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HS Gridder for MapInfo

by Portolan Technology

Hotspots produced by HS Gridder Image

HS Gridder is a MapBasic tool to assist with the spatial and temporal analysis of crime locations within MapInfo Professional.

HS Gridder uses kernel density methods to identify and map crime hotspots (clustering). HS Gridder first applies a Nearest Neighbour Index (NNI) analysis to the data, to test for statistical significance. If clustering is detected, analysis is completed on the data. The output is provided in a MapInfo grid file (.mig), which is typically a very small file size, and can be made to appear translucent in the map window.

HS Gridder also performs temporal analysis on crime data, counting records by day of week, hour of day, or a combination of these. HS Gridder uses the aoristic method when analysing times, so that 'From' and 'To' times are considered. Output is provided in graphs/charts.

HS Gridder - The Solution

The HS Gridder tool enables the quick and easy production of hotspot mapping. Originally developed for the Victoria Police Force in Australia, the software has since been deployed to other Police Forces including Surrey Police in the UK. The tool was designed to be 'police proof' and adopts the 'big button' approach to very quickly generate a hotspot map in seconds
HS Gridder Aoristic Graph Image

HS Gridder Time Chart Image

Version 4.0 offers settings and preferences to be made, larger datasets to be processed and the ability to automate HS Gridder via MapBasic and a settings file.

Hotspot Analysis
Users are able to select an entire table or a sub-selection of point data to perform a hotspot analysis. Prompts are given to save the resultant MapInfo Grid (mig) file, followed by the option of Simple or Advanced settings. Most users will opt for the default values presented but the Advanced settings allow for further options to produce Full Surface maps, Smoothed or Raw Values, Equal Interval or Incremental Mean Ranges.

HS Gridder Dual Clock Image

Temporal Analysis
The time and date of an offence are likely to be relevant to most crime and disorder analysis. It is important to look at when an offence or cluster of offences takes place. HS Gridder offers the following options:

Day of Week - Chart of the Count of records based on the day of week they occurred.

Hour of Day
- Chart of the Count of records based on the hour of day they occurred.

Day + Hour - Chart of the Count of records based on which hour in which weekday they occurred.

HS Gridder Tool Ribbon Image


HS Gridder costs £325.00 + VAT for a single user with options for
multi-user licences.

The upgrade cost from v1.5 is £150.00 + VAT for a single user

Minimum System Requirements

1.4 GHz or faster processor
256MByte RAM
Windows 2000/XP operating system
MapInfo Professional version 9 or higher

CDR Group is pleased to be working within a partnership agreement with Portolan Technology to offer this software and related support services. Additionally, CDR offers a consultancy service to assist clients in achieving the best results from their data.

For further information, please contact John Ievers at CDR Group on 01433 621282.

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