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Mobile GIS Solution

Maps4Site on a standard PDA

Maps4Site has been designed to allow users to collect asset information on site quickly and accurately using GPS or background reference maps in both MapInfo native and ECW raster format and export the spatial and attribute data in Industry Standard formats for merging back to corporate databases. The low consumer price of Pocket PC devices requires low priced GIS products. Maps4Site Lite costs only £139 per user if bought in packs of 10.

There are two versions, Maps4Site Lite and Maps4Site Pro. Even with the Lite version users can assign a classification from a pre-defined pull down list and a free text description to objects captured on site. Positioning can be by reference to the ECW/MapInfo layers or by GPS coordinates. GPS support is built in as standard. This includes full adjustment using Ordnance Survey OSTN02 transformation supplied with Maps4Site. This transformation gives precise adjustment of ETRS89 lat / long coordinates to Ordnance Survey National Grid for best alignment to MasterMap and LandLine data.

Ordnance Survey Data

Take your maps/data (OS MasterMap™, OS LandLine™, any MapInfo table or any Raster image in the ecw format) onto site. Load Workspaces and / or individual layers, turn layers on/off, pan, zoom in, zoom out, Find data using any MapInfo indexed table, or use the info tool to display data from the MapInfo tables. Use Maps4Site to check NSG, NLPG, Street Lighting, Bus Stops, Trees or any other data.


Connect a GPS module to a suitable expansion slot or use Bluetooth™ connection to get location through Global Position Systems or 'track' your position on the display through GPS information. Collect data using the map or GPS positions and use the simple drop down data attribution selections.

Schemas and Data Capture

Using Maps4Site Pro, users are able to create their own data collection schema controls and easily collect or edit any attribute data. Schemas use controls such as List Boxes, Combo Boxes and Check Boxes etc to make data collection on-site easy and quick. All collected data including the spatial object may be exported to a set of MID/MIF files for import into MapInfo. Maps4Site v2.0 now provides support for point, line, polyline, polygon and sketch and also a very useful snap to object function.

Ease of Use

Maps4Site v2.0 now uses a revised Icon structure and using these new 'dropdown' icon lists provides access to the most used functions using a maximum of two 'taps' with the pointer.

Maps4Site does NOT need an install - just drag and drop the application to the device, or removable memory card. To remove - Just Delete.

Maps4Site can also be deployed on more advanced GPS equipment such as the Thales MobileMapper™, running the Windows Pocket PC platform.



Complete on-site GIS using the Pocket PC platform with the Maps4Site software provides an easy to use, cost effective solution to Maps and data collection on Site.

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