Eccles House
Eccles Lane
Hope Valley
S33 6RW
01433 621282
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Registration No:
GB373 3117 67

Browse-A-Map is a rich web mapping application based upon Open Source
software that allows your users to share geospatial data using nothing
more than a standard web browser. Data can be published from a number
of standard spatial data sources, enabling true Cloud computing.
The application includes the facilities to quickly pan, re-centre, zoom,
find features and retrieve attribute information from data stored in various
file formats. Simple theme files, analogous to workspace or project files
used in other systems, define and control the mapping available to users.
Browse-A-Map runs without any plug-ins, cookies or proprietary software
- nothing to install on the client PC.
Browse-A-Map is based upon CDR's 10 years experience of building web
mapping applications. CDR recognises the need to deliver cost-effective,
easy to use and easy to administer applications, enabling you to achieve
high levels of efficiency with low capital outlay.
Features and options include:
- Modern interface
- Mapping can be Tile Server, vector or a combination of both.
- Cloud connections to Bing, OS OpenSpace, Google, OpenStreetMap,
ViaEuropa, Yahoo or any tile-managed server.
- Supports your own raster data, including aerial photography.
- Add your own vector data as layers from a variety of file formats.
- Supports multiple map projections.
- A dynamic 'Minimap' facility, allowing users to navigate and
keep track of their current position within the theme.
- Search and find by postcode, road name or place name in Great
Britain using Ordnance Survey OpenData.
- Easy to use layer management.
- Real-time co-ordinate readout (WGS and BNG).
- Optional scale bar.
- Optional gridlines.
- Printing to a user-defined template.
- Copyright and licence watermarking options.
- Distance and area measurement tool.
- Tool tips.
- Interactive Incident Reporting for users to inform and record
problems and issues via the map interface.

© OS Crown Copyright 2012
The Browse-A-Map application runs on standard Windows
servers running the .NET framework and IIS. Whilst end users need
nothing more a web browser, such as Internet Explorer or Firefox.
Based on OpenLayers, MapServer, ExtJs, .NET, Ajax.
Supported file formats include:
ESRI Shape, MapInfo Tab, Intergraph DGN, AutoCAD DWG, GPX, KML,
Easy and quick installation.
CDR can also offer the service to:
- profile data to user requirements.
- customise Browse-A-Map functionality to suit.
- setup a tile server of your own.
We recommend that customers take at least one day of our support
to assist with the setup and installation of Browse-A-Map. |
To see a demonstration version of Browse-A-Map go
to click here
For further information, please contact the Sales team at CDR
Group on 01433 621282.
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