Winter Maintenance is a vital task for those Local Authorities with highway responsibilities. Sudden changes in weather make it essential to be able to deploy salting vehicles efficiently and effectively. Equally, financial constraints mean that it is important to make best use of personnel, vehicles and materials. With this in mind, CDR Group has developed MISalt. This is a MapBasic application running within MapInfo Professional® that greatly facilitates the creation of detailed route maps and route cards for vehicles involved in salting operations. In addition MISalt generates waypoint files that can easily be exported to SatNav devices and utilised to provide navigational and operational instructions to vehicle operators. MISalt equips route planners with a number of tools to help in creating and updating comprehensive route maps. MISalt provides detailed validation of each route, and calculates statistics – estimated time, estimated payload and the all-important ratio of salting distance to dead running distance. Further functionality is provided to assess the completeness or otherwise of the salting coverage even when multiple routes from multiple depots are involved. Improve your Winter Service Plan! |
Key Functionality |
Route planners will be amazed by how quickly
they can work! Installation System RequirementsMISalt requires MapInfo Professional® version 8.5 or above. MISalt does not have any additional system requirements above the minimum set for MapInfo Professional. Once installed, MISalt will take up less than 350Kb of hard disk storage. Note that MISalt can import and export ESRI shape files Support and TrainingCDR provides technical support and training for both MISalt and MapInfo Professional. CDR can import your existing route data (both paper and electronic) into MISalt for you, and provide full validation. Contact sales for further details. |