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CDR Maplet Applications for MapInfo Professional

Maplets are CDR software applications written specially to enhance the power of MapInfo Professional

As well as supplying MapInfo software and data, CDR develops and supplies a range of general and specialist applications to run inside MapInfo Professional. These are known as ‘CDR Maplets’.

Please contact sales for the latest information, updates and prices.

CDR Maplets


Current version


Reveal is a workspace and table analysis tool. Reveal gives greater insight into an organisation’s MapInfo workspaces, geosets and tables.  The tool is designed to help audit, manage and tidy-up the abundance of files being generated by many users.  All tables, geosets and workspaces within a user specified directory structure are listed, along with any tables that are referenced by those workspaces.

Typical Uses:

  • De-duplication of external data – e.g. OS mapping
  • Rationalising server data without invalidating workspaces
  • Checking links and references are still valid
  • Moving data from one server to another
  • Cataloguing your MapInfo data at regular intervals
  • Checking who is still using a MapInfo table
  • Cleaning up data
  • Company or departmental re-organisations



OSNTF2MI will translate maps from Ordnance Survey®, Land-Line®, Boundary-Line™, OSCAR®, Meridian™, Strategi™ and Address-Point™ NTF format into MapInfo format. Allows NTF layers to be combined for better layer control.
Enhanced and updated to handle 2002 changes.



OSLF2MI will translate Land-Form PROFILE™ and Land-Form PANORAMA™ DTMs and contours into MapInfo format. Allows contour layers to be combined for better layer control and subsets or reduced resolution DTMs to be converted to save on memory.



OSBITMAP will automatically register Ordnance Survey® BMP and TIF format raster files to British National Grid Co-ordinates.
Now includes ECW file format support (4000 x 4000 pixels only)



OSNI2MI will translate Ordnance Survey® Northern Ireland Large Scale Digital Mapping data in NTF format into MapInfo format. Allows NTF layers to be combined for better layer control.



Order OSNTF2MI & OSLF2MI together and receive OSBITMAP free of charge if you effect Technical Support on the translators.



MIPLOT is a plot production tool which allows pre-defined templates to be used to position, scale, rotate, annotate, preview and finally plot any mapper window.
"Makes MapInfo plot production so easy"
Now handles scales in excess of 1:32,000.



OSGRID is a general utility to create grid lines, show co-ordinates and locate and zoom to specified map tiles using the British National Grid system. Grid colours can be user-defined.



OSCODE will convert points recorded using Ordnance Survey® grid references into Eastings and Northings and will automatically create map objects using the British National Grid projection.



LOCATOR is a fast gazetteer application which allows the user to specify any character field in any mappable table and to search, select and zoom to an entry on screen. A multi-list box is used for duplicate entries.



MI2AFORM offers a generic DDE Link to an associated MS Access database form.
Map objects can be associated to an Access database record via a key field held in both tables.
Compatible with Microsoft Access 2000



MIMAPS will generate an overview from selected MapInfo tables. This overview represents the extent of the data available, and allows the user to load or unload the MapInfo tables singly or in multiples. This can be useful for example, when a large amount of background mapping is in use, as the mapping can be loaded and unloaded on a tile by tile basis.



MITRACE can be used with any logical node-link network, to trace and select all links upstream or downstream from a given node. Originally developed for sewer pipe networks, MITRACE can be used for any pipe or cable network.
Now includes 'zoom to selection' and 'prompt to save selection' options.



MISPLOT will automatically generate sequential or batch plots of a large area at any given scale. Designed for the automated production of survey plots at scales of 1:1000, 1:1250 or 1:2500 across an entire county, for example.



STC2MI will automatically convert CDR’s STC25 sewer records data into MapInfo format, including colour and line style translation. Use in conjunction with MITRACE to track pipe runs.



MIBEV presents the user with a Bird’s Eye View of data in one mapper relating to the contents of another mapper. Users can zoom in or re-centre from a key map and display the results in another window. Download for free!



OSCOPY places an O.S. Crown Copyright statement on the window title bar. Download for free!


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